Specialist Services
We are able to bypass the immobiliser on a range of different vehicles, please ring to find out if your vehicle is covered.
We are able to effect entry if you get locked out on any model in the Mercedes range. Removal of snapped keys from both door and ignition locks. We supply Mercedes keys for commercials manufactured before 2006. Regrettably, it is not possible to provide keys for other models of Mercedes.

We can effect non-destructive entry in any of the BMW range. Removal of keys which have broken in the door or ignition lock. Up until 2007 BMW’s keys were only available from main BMW dealers. With our newest software we can cut keys for most BMW models made after 2007.

Lexus and Toyota Vehicles
These vehicles are constructed with great security. In the case of lost keys the ECU has to be replaced in the vehicle in order to programme new keys. Main dealers charge in excess of £1000 to fit a replacement immobiliser and a new ECU. We can rewrite the data in the your existing unit, therefore removing the need to replace them. This will save both time and money.

We are usually able to access any model in the Volvo range. We are able to remove broken keys from both door and ignition locks. Cloning of existing keys on most pre 2004 models is possible. However we are unable to offer a replacement key service. Replacement vehicle keys for Volvo can only be supplied by the main dealer. Volvo have not made any programming software available to anyone outside of Volvo.

VAG - Volkswagen Audi Group
It may surprise you to learn that the dealers typical method of entry to a locked out vehicle is to smash a window. The are better alternatives to glass everywhere, scratched plastic and damaged leather. Because of the volume of VAG vehicles on the road, we specialise in gaining access to these vehicles without causing any damage. The newest VAG models have a sophisticated security feature requiring keys to be ‘precoded’. Our engineers are able to precode these keys ready for programming using some start of the art technology. We undertake all work on vehicles in the VAG group.